Rosh Hashanah


Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish new year. This means celebrations, happiness, and also reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the coming one. For families, there are so many wonderful traditions to engage in–dipping apples in honey, braiding and tasting round challah, making cards, and listening to the blast of the shofar. Be sure to wish your family and friends, “L’shana tova,” a happy and sweet new year

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Sprouting soon

Rosh Hashanah 5785

For children ages 0-5

8:45 – 9:30 AM

Members: No registration needed.
Adults — Show your CRS High Holy Day Tickets
Children — No Ticket Needed

Guests of Members & Non-Members: Space is limited. Registration is required for adults and children.
Adults — $18
Children — Free



Today is the Birthday of the World – Lisa Schiff

“One Voice” – Cantor Shayna De Lowe

Reading Shanah Tovah – Donna Rudolph

Creating a Sacred Placement – Lisa Schiff

Tashlich Project – Debbie Semmel

How to Blow the Shofar – Rabbi Ben Spratt

Reading Apple Days with the Rosenblum Family

Reading Rosh Hashanah Challah – Helen Singer

Reading Sound the Shofar – Helen Singer

Reading Jackie and Jesse and Joni and Jae with the Alter Family

Rosh Hashanah Song Session – Louie Glaser